May the Light of Christ, rising in glory, dispel the darkness of our minds and
-Roman Missal, Prayer of the Lighting of the Paschal Candle
Pray the Triduum
April 17-20, 2025
Enter into the sacred days at the very heart of our Faith. Here we come to encounter the Love from which everything flows. Join other young adults in entering into these greatest mysteries. Away from the distractions and cares of daily life, remain with Christ from the intimacy of the upper room, to the agony of the Cross, the silence of Holy Saturday, and the glorious joy of His Resurrection.
These are days to be with Him,
to behold Him, and to listen to His Heart
as He reveals the depth of His Love.

Be glad, let earth be glad, as glory floods her, ablaze with light from her eternal King.
Like none other.
The Triduum Retreat is like no other retreat offered by CYE throughout the year. It isn’t a typical expedition, there is more silence, more solitude, more prayer. It also is distinct from typical Young Adult Silent Directed Retreats as the number of young adults doesn’t make it possible to offer spiritual direction to each individually. In a unique way the Triduum retreat is powerfully led by the Sacred Liturgy itself and the mysteries made present to us through them.
On Holy Thursday the Church beholds the gift the Eucharist and the mystery of Christ’s self-emptying as He washes the disciples feet. We go with Him to the Garden at the altar of repose and there listen to his last words to His disciples in the upper room. Here Christ’s words take on a new vibrance as they flow from His Heart.
On Good Friday, the Church leads us into the raw silence of the Cross, the thirst of Christ, His agony out of Love. The Cross is venerated, Confession offered, the Stations are prayed.
Holy Saturday, so often passed over, offers its own richness. Christ has descended to the dead. The altar is bare, the chapel silent, the absence of the Holy Eucharist keenly felt. Only from this poverty does the heart receive the glory of the Resurrection. In the darkness, the Paschal fire is lit, the story of salvation history recalled, the Alleluia sung, and the victory of the proclaimed: “Jesus Christ is Lord!” We invite you to to join us in entering into the beauty of these sacred days!

The Paschal Mystery of Jesus, which comprises his passion, death, resurrection, and glorification, stands at the center of the Christian faith because God's saving plan was accomplished once for all by the redemptive death of himself as
Jesus Christ.
-Catechism of the Catholic Church