Silent Retreats for Priests
“I in Them
and You in Me.”
Jn 17:23
Catholic Youth Expeditions is blessed to be on 7.5 beautiful acres on Kangaroo Lake in Door County. In between expeditions the campus is quiet and the solitude and beauty lend themselves powerfully to prayer. In 2018, a renovation was completed to provide four priest suites for priests to come on personal silent retreats. Open to both diocesan and religious priests, it is a joy to be able to share CYE’s prayerful grounds with you.
The priest suites are available year-round but some times may be better than others depending on the schedule for the apostolate. Please contact Father Greg Parent directly to find a time that is good. With loving reverence for your time with the Lord, we will respect your silence and desire for solitude with Him. There is a full kitchen in the residence for you to prepare your meals. The sisters would be happy to have a home cooked dinner for you, if you so choose. It is a joy for the sisters to serve and will do so most by their prayers for you during your time of retreat.
“To pray is not to evade reality and the responsibilities it brings, but rather to fully assume them, trusting in the faithful and inexhaustible love of the Lord.”
-Pope Benedict XVI